• Before & After Peelings

    Activators, Sunscreens & repair screams
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  • Before & After Peelings

    Activators, Sunscreens & repair screams
    See Products
  • Before & After Peelings

    Activators, Sunscreens & repair screams
    See Products

Cookies policy


Cookies are small files stored in the user’s computer that record information while navigating on the web site (for example, pages visited or the date and time of visit), information can be read on subsequent visits of the user on the web site.

By browsing this website we use session cookies and persistent cookies which, in turn, can be ours or third-party cookies.

Session cookies are cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses the website. They are often used to store information only in the interest of preserving the requested service by the user on a single occasion.

Persistent cookies are a type of cookies in which the data is still stored in the terminal and that can be accessed and treated for a defined period of time by the webmaster, it can go from a few minutes to several years.

OUR COOKIES: The one created or managed by the webmaster. www.ekseption.org web site has persistent own cookies in order to customize some of the content displayed in the user’s navigation and have been chosen for him.

THIRD PARTY COOKIES: The one managed by service providers for analysis and advertising outside ekseption

Types of Cookies
AS THE ENTITY THAT MANAGES Our cookies Are those collected by the editor itself to provide the service requested by the user.
Third party cookies Are those that are collected and managed by a third party, these can not be considered own.
AS WITHIN TIME REMAINING ACTIVE Session cookies Collect data while the user navigates through the network in order to provide the requested service.
Persistent cookies They are stored in the terminal and the information obtained will be used webmaster in order to provide the requested service.
AS PURPOSE Technical cookies They are necessary for proper web browsing.
Personalisation cookies Allow the user characteristics (language) for navigation on the website.
Analytics cookies Allow the provider analysis related to navigation by the user, in order to keep track of use of the website and make statistics of the most visited content, number of visitors, etc.
Advertising cookies Allowing the editor to include web, advertising space, depending on the content of the website.
Personalised advertising cookies Allowing the editor to include on the website advertising space based on information obtained through the user’s browsing habits.

According to Spanish Laws, HB aesthetics reports the cookies used on our website:

  Our cookies Third party cookies Session cookies Persistent cookies
Technical cookies x x x x
Personalisation cookies x   x x
Analytics cookies x x    
Advertising cookies        
Personalised advertising cookies        

Also, HB aesthetics informs the users that they have the ability to configure their browser to be informed of the receipt of cookies, and may, if desired, prevent them from being installed on their hard drive. Below we provide links from different browsers, through which you can perform this configuration:

The User may revoke their consent to the use of cookies in their browser through the above directions or by installing a rejection system ( “opt-out”) in their web browser. Some third-rejection facilitate this through the following links:

Opt-out of Google Analytics: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=None

The User acknowledges that some features of the contents of the website are only available if the installation of cookies on the browser is allowed. This can prevent the registration of cookies by configuring the browser to that effect. However, to benefit from all the features of the Site, you should configure your browser to accept cookies, which are designed for the exclusive use of HB aesthetics.

HB aesthetics can modify this Cookies Policy based on new regulations, or in order to adapt the policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency legal requirements.

When significant changes in this Cookies Policy will be communicated to the user through an information notice on the website. For more information about how we use cookies, you can submit a contact form.

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